Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mobility in Greece, Tripoli 24-25/10/14

Ελλάδα εδώ είμαστε! Greece here we come!

Travels enable to live unique experiences ...  Travels offer us the opportunity to live extraordinary situations ... After a journey between Athens and Tripoli during which we have lived  unique experiences and extraordinary situations, what a pleasure to see again  all partners and what a welcome from our Greek partner !

How to comfort weary and stressed travelers? A chimney fire, good food and exchange of the incredible stories of the day…

We had a fantastic moment at the restaurant sharing very tasty food with all of the partners and also with students from the school.


 We had then a goodnight of sleep in a lovely hotel. Special thanks to Nicky who organized everything for us. On Saturday morning we had a great breakfast at the hotel.

After all these relaxing moments it was time to work. At the school, we had a constructive and efficient meeting sharing ideas and scheduling the rest of the tasks we have to realize before the end of the project. We also visited the school and discovered very well equipped classrooms. 
We want to thank you all for the welcome and for the time spent together! See you all during the next virtual meeting on Hangout!
Bye for now,
The COF team