The newspaper
article says approximately this:
distances, and hearts, too!
learning partnership gathered in Lapua
The Lapua
Adult Education Centre participates in a two-year EU-funded learning
partnership project Communitek – melting distances, which is for both the
students and the staff of the participating organizations. On February 13.-14. a
mobility was organized by the Adult Education Centre and their language
students. In addition to teachers, seven adult students from Chester, England,
participated in this mobility. The other partners are from Spain, Greece, and
The program
of the Lapua mobility started with a sightseeing tour to Seinäjoki Aalto-centre
and the new library, a visit of the Lapua Cathedral,
and then a project meeting and a workshop for students
at Paukku. An evening meal at the hotel Simpsiön Kullas ended the first day, enhanced
by the appearances of Time It –singing group and even Santa himself.

On Saturday
the guests visited the cultural centre and were surprised by the variety of
courses offered, as well as the premises of the education centre. Snowfall,
kicksledges and reindeer soup followed to offer some more Finnish experiences,
before an outing at mount Simpsiö and more sledging, and grilling sausages on
open fire. On Saturday evening, the
guests surprised everybody by their eager participation in a sauna and winter
swimming session at the Ski cabin, where the guests and hosts then enjoyed a
meal and sang karaoke together.
to the feedback fro the participants, the mobility was a great success, some of the guests even said
that it was an unforgettable experience that gave new depth to the common
The Lapua
Adult Education Centre is sending four members of staff and four language
students to the next mobility in Chester.
I would
like to add here that we are thankful to our guests who were open-minded and
positive about the whole program and all the activities, and did their best
also to make this a good gathering. The project and organizing the mobilities
can be a lot of work, but it is certainly a lot of fun, too, and worth every
minute. Our staff and students enjoyed meeting all our guests and the lucky
ones who are going to Chester can hardly wait for the next mobility! See you
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